Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hello! My name is Jill and this is a first for me:) I needed some sort of outlet and I thought I would try this! I love my children, my husband, our two doggies and our life we have created, but some days I just wonder how I got here. I try not to take for granted what I have been blessed with, but I often find myself doing just that. I always felt growing up that once I became a mother I would feel complete, but I find myself needing more. We decided as a couple that when we had children I would stay at home and I never once ever hesitated or gave that decision a second thought. Now my children are growing(fast) and I wonder what's going to become of me in the coming years. Do I go back to work? Do I continue to stay at home? I have always been a busy body but seem to have lost my love of the things I used to be great at. I need to get back into crafting, cooking ( besides making baby food and the occasional dinner), and the love of decorating and fashion! Any suggestions on how to get my behind moving and start moving forward towards my goal of making myself the productive, happy, and positive person that I once was? I want to share all of my loves that I had in life (before my children) and share the things that make me happy with them as they grow!!!